Tire Stretching
In the simplest terms, stretched tires are essentially fitting narrow tires onto wider wheels. Typically these stretches will range from 1 to 3 inches. When you first hear the term tire stretching, or stretched tires, the first thought that pops into your mind is why?

Each vehicle will have a proper tire design. But, there are some tire designs that are unsatisfactory for the user. In fact, the refined rim design also enhances the beauty of the vehicle. This is an art form. Thus, the technique of stretching tires was born. The purpose is to make tires that fit the different rims. This is an aesthetic enhancement for tires.

Stretch the tire so that the rim does not break when the tire does not fit. There are some hobbyists who want their tires to look tight. But, the bad thing is that stretching tires causes the car's performance to decrease. The performance of stretching tires is always much worse than normal tires.

If you want your tires stretched, we can do it. Call us!